World Earthworm Day

The story so far…

world Earthworm Day logoIn 2016 the Earthworm Society of Britain (ESB) nominated 21st October as World Earthworm Day to give the world an opportunity to celebrate these ecologically vital and under-appreciated animals. An October date was chosen in order to honor the father of earthworm ecology, Charles Darwin, as this is the month that his book 'The Formation of Vegetable Mould Through the Actions of worms' was published.

Since that first World Earthworm Day on Friday 21st October 2016, we repeated our new tradition on the same day each year and celebrated why #EarthwormsAreImportant with an ever-growing number of supporters and partners. Earthworms continued to take the centre stage on 21st October every year since.

World Earthworm Day Partners

Earthworm Society of BritainThe Urban Worm   Buglife   Field Studies Council   London Natural History Society logo

Super Composters - World Earthworm Day 2020

For 2020, we decided it was time to find out what you wanted to celebrate about earthworms and a poll was launched to decide a theme for World Earthworm Day 2020. 62% of you voted for a “Super Composters” theme.

Our Compost Earthworm Survey was relaunched and to celebrate the day we published the following blogs:

Worms of the World - World Earthworm Day 2021

The theme for World Earthworm Day on  Thursday 21st October 2021 will be Worms of the World. More information to come...


Creative Commons License
Except where otherwise indicated, this work was created by Keiron Derek Brown on behalf of the Earthworm Society of Britain and is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.