Welcome to the ESB!

Emma Sherlock at the launch of the Earthworm Society of Britain
Emma Sherlock at the launch of the Earthworm Society of Britain

The Earthworm Society of Britain (ESB) aims to promote and support scientific research so that earthworms and their environment can be better understood.

Through its work the society aims to encourage the conservation of earthworms and their habitats and to educate and inspire people so that these fascinating creatures may continue to be enjoyed in the future.

You can help support us by becoming a member!  We're also often out and about at bioblitz events so come and say hello and find out more about these fascinating creatures.

Like our Facebook page for news on upcoming events and regular earthworm news or check out what we've got to say on twitter.

About us

The Earthworm Society of Britain (ESB) is a non-profit organisation that was set up in 2009 to ensure that earthworms are represented in the biological recording community and wider biodiversity sector. The society is run entirely by volunteers and funded through grants, membership subscriptions and donations.

Our volunteer committee is chaired by Emma Sherlock, earthworm specialist at the Natural History Museum London and includes volunteers with dedicated roles in recording, communications, membership, digital resources, education, finance and administration.

Aims of the Society

The ESB aims to promote and support scientific research so that earthworms and their environment can be better understood. Through its work the society aims to encourage the conservation of earthworms and their habitats and to educate and inspire people so that these fascinating creatures may continue to be enjoyed in the future.

The only society of its kind, the specific aims of the society are:

  1. To conduct research into earthworms in the UK
  2. To promote knowledge and appreciation of earthworms within the non-scientific community
  3. To educate the non-scientific community in earthworm biology and ecology

We will do this by running the National Earthworm Recording Scheme and training people to collect and identify earthworms, representing earthworms within the biodiversity sector and supporting earthworm research projects, such as Earthworm Watch.

Earthworm in the hand

Collecting earthworms in the field

Subscribe to the National Earthworm Recording Scheme Bulletin

View previous campaigns.


We are delighted to have such esteemed individuals as Patrons for the ESB. Keen naturalists, if anyone knows the importance of earthworms it is John and Nick!

John Craven
John Craven

John Craven, Countryfile presenter

The humble earthworm is a creature which most of us take for granted, yet they play a vital role in soil health which helps plants and crops to grow. The Earthworm Society of Britain is a great way for anyone with an interest in worms to learn more about these fascinating creatures and the 27 species which live in the UK.

Nick Baker
Nick Baker




Nick Baker, TV naturalist

Aristotle and Charles Darwin were both big earthworm fans, but these days most people don’t give these humble creatures a second thought. They are an incredibly important aspect of soil health as by churning it up they improve its fertility, which in turn is great news for plants, animals and ultimately us.